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Several things to consider when applying updates to Java (aka the JVM, JDK, JRE)

If you learn there's a new Java update available, it may well be relatively simple for you to apply that update, but if you're running important applications that rely on Java, it's in your interest to give some consideration to various matters related to doing such an update.

And as important, if you may have skipped some Java updates before this one, there are some additional points to consider regarding some potentially important changes in updates you may be skipping.

In this post, I cover several topics in both those areas.

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New updates released for Java 8, 11, 17, and 21 as of Jan 16 2024: resources and thoughts

It's that time again: there are new JVM updates released today (Jan 16, 2024) for the current long-term support (LTS) releases of Oracle Java, 8, 11, 17, and 21.

TLDR: The new updates are 1.8.0_401 (aka 8u401), 11.0.22, 17.0.10, and 21.0.2 respectively). For more on each of them, including what changed and the security fixes they each contain (including their CVE scores regarding urgency of concerns), see the Oracle resources I list below. Oracle calls them "critical patch updates" (yep, CPU), but they are in fact scheduled quarterly updates, so that "critical" nomenclature may sometimes be a bit overstated. Again, more details below. And as is generally the case with these Java updates, most of them have the same changes and fixes across the four JVM versions, though not always.

For some folks, that's all they need to hear. For others, read on.

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Presenting "Installing CF2023: choices, challenges, and solutions" Thurs Dec 21, Online CFMeetup

Last week I did a talk on MIGRATING to CF2023 (as that's a challenge that many contemplate BEFORE proceeding to install it). This week I will follow-that up with a talk on INSTALLING it, and addressing various challenges in doing that. Some people don't do development and only deal with installing it. (Others don't ever want to install CF, and I address alternatives for them also.)

So I will be presenting presented this talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Presenting "Migrating apps to ColdFusion 2023 from earlier versions" Thurs Dec 14, Online CFMeetup

It's that time of the year...well, I don't mean the holidays: I mean time to talk about migrating to CF2023, which came out several months ago. I'm getting asked more and more about it, as people proceed with making or considering the move--and sorry for the brief notice, but I thought I better get this talk out before the end of the year, and before the holidays.

I will be presenting presented the talk online this Thursday, at noon US Eastern, on the CFMeetup youtube livestream (which will be was recorded). Folks who are members of the Online ColdFusion Meetup will already have gotten notification about this, but for those who are not, here are the details:

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Security updates released for ColdFusion 2021 and 2023, Nov 14 2023

Just a heads-up for my readers that there was an important security update released today by Adobe for ColdFusion 2023 (update 6) and 2021 (update 12). (Users of previous versions should note that those are no longer updated, not even for security fixes).

If you apply the update using the CF Admin and then find that CF starts but the Admin and your code fail, I cover that also, in the second section below.

For more, read on.

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Solving failure in applying latest CF updates, or avoiding that failure

If you try to apply ColdFusion updates (including the latest released Oct 6) via the CF admin or command line and find that the update fails, the problem may be due to the JVM you're using (within CF or at the command line). There's a simple solution, which I discuss in this post.

TLDR; If you've configured either CF2021's java home to use Java 11.0.20 or later, or CF2023's java home to use 17.0.8 or later, you may find that applying CF updates ia the Admin will fail. You can apply the update via the command line, adding a needed new jvm arg:
(to be placed BEFORE the -jar arg) in the java -jar ... command, as I discuss more in the 5th bullet point below. (If I've lost you with that simple suggested, read the rest here. And all may benefit reading what precedes that suggestion, for context. I also offer other suggestions and info.)

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Testing if a port can be reached, using built-in tools other than 'good old telnet'

Have you ever wanted to test (from the command line) whether a port on another machine can be reached from yours? When some app of your can't seem to connect to a given port, you may want to test things from the command line. (The problem may be that the service using that port has stopped or is blocked by a firewall--it may be that you're mistaken in the port you are trying to use, or perhaps even the ip address, domain name, or machine name.)

There are in fact many tools which can help with this task, some of which will be familiar to those on *nix systems, but Windows users who've been around a while (or who learned from such folks) may try to rely on the good ol' telnet command (as in telnet [machine] [port]). Unfortunately, they often find out how Microsoft has disabled that tool by default for over a decade (since Windows Vista), and while it can be easily enabled, they may be prevented or understandably reluctant to do that.

In this post, I want to show a couple of command-line alternatives which can do the job easily, one best suited for powershell users (Test-NetConnection), and and two of which would suit those who prefer the command line (cmd) and which are now built-into Windows (the past few years): ssh and curl. No, this is not their primary job but they will suit for this task and it may surprise some to learn they're even built-in options. I'll conclude with still other options available to those on *nix environments (who of course can also use ssh and curl), especially nc (netcat).

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ColdFusion updates for CF2023 and CF2021 released Aug 17 2023: resources and thoughts

Adobe has released today an important security update for each of ColdFusion 2023 and 2021. (Since CF2018 is end of life since July, there is no update for that version.) Note that while the technotes for the updates don't mention/link to any Adobe product security bulletin (APSB), this update is indeed an update that provides important security protections, as I discuss further below.

For more resources as well as some additional thoughts on the updates (including what security matter it entails as well as some lessons learned in applying the update--especially if you may update your Java to the JVM released last month), read on.

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Recording posted and PDF updated for my presentation on CF Scheduled Tasks

Last week, I presented a talk at the online Hawaii CF Meetup, "CF Scheduled Tasks: More than you may know, and should".

The recording has been posted.

Also, I have updated the PDF, since giving the talk (Fri Jul 28). I not only corrected a couple of typos and improved some wording and organization, but I also have added some new links and content.

Both those links are offered on my presentations page, where I offer info and links for every one of my nearly 170 CF talks over the past 25 years--most of which I daresay would still be useful to many even today.

FusionReactor 10.0.2 update released Jul 19 2023: resources and thoughts

If you're using FusionReactor, note that a 10.0.2 update was released recently, Jul 19, with a few bug fixes/improvements. (Sorry for the delay in reporting this. This was the week after there were multiple CF updates and a Java update as well.)

I want to draw special attention to the one "new improvement" and one "new feature". (In my posts on past FR updates, I sometimes don't do much more than list the simple bullet points offered in the FR release notes.) See the elaboration on these two things below.

For more on the update, as well as help on installing such FR updates, read on.

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