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FusionReactor web site improvements

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you're a user of FusionReactor or FusionDebug, or are curious about the tools, note that their web sites have had a face lift.

Besides a fresher appearance there's improved organization and navigation. There are high-level views of the products (available on the front page, with tabs along the bottom for each product) and more detailed pages on each (FR and FD), with product tours, benefits, faqs, and much more. This breakdown of high-level and detail views applies as well to discussions of the Air Enterprise Dashboard and their Services (consulting, training, etc.)

Through the updated web site you can also learn about many other resources available, including articles, videos, and blogs by them and others; product docs, screenshots, FAQs and more; info on customers and free/paid support; community tool contributions, and lots more.

The folks behind FusionReactor/FusionDebug are really great. They're very open to communications and always welcome (and act effectively on) feedback. I've been a long-time fan, so much that I work with them directly on doing training and consulting based on their products (while remaining an independent consultant.) It's their very openness and willingness to listen to feedback that brought me to working with them more and more closely over the years. I'm glad to help others take notice of the company and their great products.

Thanks for your comments.

Makes all my Blood, sweat and tears all worth while :)

Still along way to go though!
# Posted By Sam | 3/3/09 5:04 PM
I looked at the site and it looks very clean however in looking at the debugger, it seems almost identical to the debugging interface that comes with CFEclipse.

What are the primary differences between FusionDebug and the Debugger processes already integrated into CFEclipse?
# Posted By Chris Cantley | 3/4/09 11:48 AM
Hi Chris, well, it looks the same because in fact both are built on the same underlying debugging capability of Eclipse. FusionDebug came out first, and it's frankly too bad that Adobe chose to create their own, rather than acquire FD, but that's not a discussion I was privy to.

As for comparing the two, I started to write up a listing here, but it became too long (also, the question's not really related to this blog post). I'll do a blog entry on this later today instead.

But I'll make a couple of quick points. First, if you're running on 6 or 7, it's a no brainer. Use FD. You can't use the CF 8 debugger against a CF 6 or 7 server.

Second, the CF 8 debugger does rely on RDS. If you don't want to, or can't, enable that on the CF 8 instance/server you want to debug, then you can't use the CF 8 debugger. You can, however, use FusionDebug, as it has no reliance at all on RDS (remote developer services, a feature of CF that enables various capabilities between CFML editors and a CF server).

But there are many other differences, some small and some larger, and advantages in each direction. I've written and spoken on them whenever I've discussed the debuggers (at least when I've written on them since the CF 8 debugger came out.) I'm not pushing FD. I just want people to know the differences.

So it's a good question, and I'll outline the differences in the blog entry. Hope that's helpful in the meantime.
Fantastic response Charlie. I look forward to the post. Not having to mess with the RDS in the adminstration is one HUGE benefit. I am using CF8 and probably should have mentioned that to begin with so I am really interested to see the benefit list.

Much thanks,
# Posted By Chris Cantley | 3/4/09 1:10 PM
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