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Setting Google to Show You More Results Per Page: how and why

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
In a recent entry, I made mention of the fact that I have Google set to show me 30 results per page, rather than the default of 10.

Some may read this and say, "big deal, I've been doing that for years", but it's one of those little things that some just never notice or think of. If you've not considered the option, why not check it out?

(Update on 9/30/2010: Others may have noticed that they DID have it set to more than 10, but recently they lost that functionality. I have the solution for that, as well.)

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Been losing cookies from sites you visit? Fix in FF 3.0.7, and solution for other browsers

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you use Firefox and have found it losing cookies, this will interest you. Even if you don't use FF, and experience the problem on Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari, etc., the root of the problem and a possible manual solution may interest you.

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FusionReactor web site improvements

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you're a user of FusionReactor or FusionDebug, or are curious about the tools, note that their web sites have had a face lift.

Besides a fresher appearance there's improved organization and navigation. There are high-level views of the products (available on the front page, with tabs along the bottom for each product) and more detailed pages on each (FR and FD), with product tours, benefits, faqs, and much more. This breakdown of high-level and detail views applies as well to discussions of the Air Enterprise Dashboard and their Services (consulting, training, etc.)

Through the updated web site you can also learn about many other resources available, including articles, videos, and blogs by them and others; product docs, screenshots, FAQs and more; info on customers and free/paid support; community tool contributions, and lots more.

The folks behind FusionReactor/FusionDebug are really great. They're very open to communications and always welcome (and act effectively on) feedback. I've been a long-time fan, so much that I work with them directly on doing training and consulting based on their products (while remaining an independent consultant.) It's their very openness and willingness to listen to feedback that brought me to working with them more and more closely over the years. I'm glad to help others take notice of the company and their great products.

Problem creating Derby DSN? It's a bug in CF8 Standard

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Here's some important news I've not seen shared elsewhere. We occasionally hear of people having problems creating Derby datasources in the CF Admin. They report that they get taken to the "other" datasource page by mistake. I've done some digging and can report the root cause: it's a bug in CF 8 Standard. You don't see the problem if you run the Developer or Enterprise edition, whether running standalone or multiserver (or "multi-instance"). It only happens on Standard (which only supports a standalone/server deployment.)

I think this is why it's been so confusing to resolve. Instead, I've seen all kinds of guesses as to the root cause. The challenge is that if you don't have a Standard license, you can't see how things work in Standard. Fortunately, I have one and just ran a test and can confirm this.

How I've demonstrated the problem

I started out on Enterprise (same on Developer), and in the CF Admin chose to create a new datasource, choosing "Apache Derby Embedded" in the "select a valid driver type", and it took me to a page asking just for the "Database folder" where the Derby DB would live, and it offered the optional "create database" checkbox. That and a description field were it. This is indeed what one SHOULD see for a Derby Embedded DSN.

But when I switched my CF license (clicking the blue "i" icon at the top right for the System Information page) to use a Standard license key, and repeated the steps above, I was taken instead to the "other" driver page, where one is prompted to enter a JDBC URL, driver class and name, and many other things that would clearly confuse someone trying to use Derby. What a shame.

Does NOT affect those adding a Derby Client DSN

I'll add that this does NOT happen when choosing the "Apache Derby Client" driver option, even in Standard, which is odd. (And again, it doesn't affect those using Enterprise or Developer edition, even if they're using the Server/Standalone mode that's closest in implementation to Standard.)

What's this Derby thing anyway?

If you're not familiar with the difference between Derby Embedded and Client, or indeed don't know much about Derby at all (the Apache database embedded in CF 8) and may wonder why one may bother to try to use it, you can check out various Derby resources I have offered on my site, including most recently a talk I gave at Max 2008, the recording of which is available here.

Bug report filed

This problem of redirecting to the wrong page seems, then, to be clearly just a bug in CF 8 Standard. I've just filed a bug report on the CF wish form, which I discuss more here for those not familiar with it. Let's hope that perhaps this is addressed in the Centaur release.

"Using Apache Derby", watch my Max presentation

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Did you know that CF8 (Enterprise, Standard, and Developer) has an embedded Apache database called Derby? Have you wondered what it's about? Why you might consider it? How to use it, and how to use it with other tools? Well now you can watch/listen to my Max presentation, "Using Apache Derby: the Open Source DB Embedded in CF 8", which is one of many Max NA 2008 videos which Adobe has released at tv.adobe.com. You can find a description of the talk here.

I actually did 2 Max talks (in addition to my Unconference talks), and I mentioned the other in a previous entry.

I'll note as well that I list this and all presentations I do, with links to PDFs or recordings, at the presentations section of my site.

Finding other CF Videos at tv.adobe.com

Finally, note that you can find other CF videos by selecting the "all product" category and choosing CF. Of course, you can also use the search field as well to find specific speakers or topics.

Categorizing the 30-some CF frameworks: how did I do?

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Some may know that among my CF411.com site's list of 700+ tools/resources for CFers in 125 categories, I have long listed the 30+ CF frameworks. (Yes, there really are that many.)

But until now, I just listed them all together, without any subcategory. Today I took a shot to categorize them and saw 3 categories:

  • CFML Application Frameworks/Methodologies
  • CFML Injection Frameworks/Methodologies
  • CFML ORM Frameworks/Methodologies

How did I do? Are these good categories? Most of them fit in the first category (about 25) are in the first category. I didn't want to break them down into which were MVC, etc. Should I bother?

Two are in the injection frameworks category (ColdSpring and Lightwire). How's that for a category name? And there are four in the ORM category.

Are things in the right place? Any needed additions/subtractions? As with all the categories in the CF411 list, I welcome suggestions, corrections, etc.

And if you didn't know there were 30-some CF frameworks, check out the list:

CFML Frameworks/Methodologies

One last request: before you comment, please check the other comments and see if I may have already changed/corrected something.

"ColdFusion 8 Best Kept Secrets", watch my Max presentation

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Think you know all the things that were new in CF 8/8.01? Could you name several dozen? If not, you can watch/listen to my Max presentation, "ColdFusion 8 Best Kept Secrets", which is one of many Max NA 2008 videos which Adobe has released at tv.adobe.com. You can find a description of the talk here.

I actually did 2 Max talks (in addition to my Unconference talks), and I've mentioned the link to the other in another entry (so as to title and categorize it separately).

I'll note as well that I list this and all presentations I do, with links to PDFs or recordings, at the presentations section of my site.

Different links for Max videos have been shared

Indeed, FWIW, I'll clarify that on that presentations page I previously listed a link to a recording of the talk which was available only to registered Max attendees. Unlike the first link offered above, at tv.adobe.com and open for all to view, this other link was at groups.adobe.com, specifically the Adobe Groups Max NA site, which required a login and you could only join if you were a registered Max attendee.

Sorry if that last part's confusing. It's just a result of Adobe trying different ways to make the content available, which was happening at the same time that the Adobe layoffs were happening.

Let's just thank them for providing the videos at all, and especially for all the free ones at tv.adobe.com.

Finding other CF Videos at tv.adobe.com

Finally, note that you can find other CF videos by selecting the "all product" category and choosing CF. Of course, you can also use the search field as well to find specific speakers or topics.

Helping Joe Rinehart and his wife Dale

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
While some may have seen this news in the past weeks, it bears repeating for some who may have missed it. Joe Rinehart's been a stalwart member of the CF community for some years, known most perhaps for his work on the Model-Glue framework.

Well, sadly, his wife Dale has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, something he's made public on his blog. In addition to his sharing his experience there, she's has been journaling her experience and emotions on their blog. I'm sure many are finding comfort in their incredible strength and fortitude in the face of such a trying experience.

Still, the costs for treatment will be monumental, and so a group of CF community members have gotten together to create a site, www.helpsupportjoeanddale.com offering a way for those interested to offer donations to help offset those costs. So far the collections have been going really well, and all the money goes to them directly.

You can even watch a short video at the bottom of the page where Joe and Dale express their appreciation for this outpouring of support. All this was a surprise for them, and it's been a touching testament to the greatness of this community. I wanted to wait a couple of weeks to put the news out there again for those who may have missed it the first time.

If a tree falls in a forest and comments are disabled, how will you know? (COMMENTS WORKING AGAIN)

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Oy, computers. Have you by any chance tried to leave me a comment here on my blog? Or tried to do a search of the blog? Sadly, neither would have worked. In the case of the search, it just never limited the results to entries with the search text. In the case of blog comments, it just kept showing the form and ignoring what you typed. I'm really sorry for any who may have been entering comments all this time, to no avail.

When I noticed I was getting no more comments, I knew something was up, and it turns out both were caused by the same thing. The issue was that a couple of weeks ago I switched my site to a new server (more on that later), and in the midst of the move I made a slight configuration mistake.

The bummer is that no one ever wrote met to tell me that their comments weren't taking. I offer my email address in a pod on the right of all pages. :-( Oh well. Problem solved now.

Tracking number of CF sessions per application easily, and why you should care

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Ever wanted to count how many sessions are active on your server, in total and per application, whether on CF 7 or 8? And regardless of whether you're using CF's regular sessions or the "new" J2EE sessions feature introduced in CF 6? Would you be surprised to find you could have a shocking number of active sessions?

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