Frequently Referenced Resources

Following are resources that Charlie frequently refers people to, gathered into one list for easy reference.
(Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024)

They're listed in order of frequency of being referred to, rather than their recency (hey, old content can often be just as valuable years later--and Charlie will update any older resources of his own when needed to reflect newly learned information, or will create a new one based on it).

See the following groupings:

Charlie's key blog posts

(In order of frequency that Charlie refers folks to them, not chronological order.) As long as we're here, here also are some that while perhaps not shared as often with others, they may be of value to many folks and could be missed in the hundreds of blog posts Charlie has written. Sure, he think each post is important, or he'd not write it. :-) But these may be of value to a wider audience than others. They're presented simply in order of most recent:

Key blog posts from Adobe (that Charlie often recommends)

Key blog posts from others (that Charlie often recommends)

Charlie's key resources

Key resources from Adobe (that Charlie often recommends)

Key resources from others (that Charlie often recommends)

Key tools Charlie often recommends

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