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CFMeetup: CF911: Stack Tracing CFML Requests to Solve Problems (View video , Show Description )Regardless of what CFML server monitoring tool(s) you have, or even if none, did you know that you can use a feature called "stack traces" to be able to pinpoint the exact line of code that a CFML request is running at any time? Did you know how to use that information to troubleshoot performance/stability problems? Do you know how to obtain that information either manually or automatically (such as during a crash while you're not watching)? Do you know how to obtain that information in any of the CFML Server Monitors (FusionReactor, SeeFusion, the CF8/9 Enterprise Server Monitor), or with free command line tools? And how to do this for any CFML engine (CF, Railo, BlueDragon, etc.)? Do you know how to interpret the information once you get it?
In this session, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will help remove the mystery from using stack traces. It really is amazingly simple with the right tools, and it can be incredibly useful to solve otherwise thorny problems, once you understand how to interpret the information.
(Note that the speaker (I) lost my network connection about 50 minutes in. I was able to connect on my iphone, using the Adobe Connect for Iphone app free in iTunes) and we wrapped up with several minutes of questions in the chat.
Charlie Arehart
0:59 2010-06-10 2010-06-11 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Setting up ColdFusion Builder Step Debugging (View video , Show Description )Some may know that ColdFusion Builder offers interactive step debugging, allowing you to step through code line by line as it runs. But have you had any trouble trying to get it to work? The good news is that you can nearly always solve the problem, if you know where to look.
In this talk, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will help explain and resolve the common pitfalls in using the step debugger. We won't focus on using the tool (he's spoken on that before), but instead we will focus solely on getting your CF server and CFBuilder setup properly for being able to do step debugging.
This involves a combination of proper settings on the server (RDS, Admin, web server, firewall, and other settings) as well as in CFBuilder itself (RDS, Eclipse preferences, projects, perspectives, etc.), and also understanding factors regarding where the code and the server are relative to where the debugger/Builder is.
Again, step debugging is not really new: it was available in the older Adobe ColdFusion 8 Extensions for Eclipse, as well as with FusionDebug, and for the most part, the interface for using the tool is no different. Charlie has talked about using the debugger before ( While he may reprise and update that as a follow-in for this talk, those who want to see *how* to use the debugger can check out that presentation before or after this talk.
Charlie Arehart
1:33 2010-04-15 2010-04-15 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CF911: ColdFusion Tools for When the Stuff Hits the Fan (View video , Show Description )If you run a production CF server, you've likely hit a situation where the server seems to hang up. Do you know why it's happened? How to troubleshoot it? It may not be CF's fault at all, though it tends to get the blame. In this presentation, I'll point out a few tools (some free, some commercial, some built-in and some third-party) which you ought to know about when the stuff hits the fan. With the right tools and just a little understanding, you can be a CF troubleshooting superhero.
Charlie Arehart
1:19 2010-02-18 2010-02-18 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Hidden Gems in ColdFusion Builder (View video , Show Description )In this session, veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will share dozens of tips and tricks (and a couple of traps) for working with Adobe's new ColdFusion Builder IDE. Note that this talk is not a general introduction to the editor, but instead focuses on hidden gems.
Whether you're entirely new to CF Builder or have used it since its release, there will be items of interest for you. Of course, those with prior experience with CFEclipse will recognize some of the tips, but many if not most will be unique to CFBuilder, and even experienced CFEclipse users have said they learned things in this talk.
The topics will range from gems in editing code, to working with files, to configuring the IDE; from troubleshooting problems, to connecting the IDE to CF servers and editing code on remote servers, as well as miscellaneous gems, gotchas, and resources for learning more.
Charlie Arehart
1:15 2009-11-05 2009-11-05 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CFPOI Project: CFSPREADSHEET (& more) for Any CFML Engine (View video , Show Description )ColdFusion 9 has introduced CFSPREADSHEET into the lexicon of CFML, but what if you're going to be on an earlier version of ColdFusion for a while, or what if you you use BlueDragon, Open BlueDragon, or Railo?
Does this mean CFSPREADSHEET is out of reach for you?
Absolutely not, thanks to the CFPOI project. CFSPREADSHEET and some of the other document functionality in ColdFusion 9 is built on top of Apache POI, which is an open source project that provides a Java API to
interact with Microsoft Office and documents.
The goal of the CFPOI project is to allow CFML developers on all engines access to CFSPREADSHEET and (eventually) much more through CFCs, UDFs, and custom tags that leverage the Apache POI libraries. Spreadsheet functionality is the first piece of the CFPOI project that has been released, and while it mirrors ColdFusion 9 syntax with its UDFs and custom tags, it also allows for more direct interaction with the POI libraries if desired.
Come learn how you can add CFSPREADSHEET to any CFML engine, and how easy it can be to leverage any open source Java project in your CFML code.
Charlie Arehart
1:09 2009-08-06 2009-08-06 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CFUNITED Preview: Using Apache Derby (View video , Show Description )Come see a preview (about 20-30 minutes) of one of my CFUnited sessions, this one on Apache Derby. No, it's not "new in CF9", but many have missed or dismissed it. In this session, you will learn about the Apache Derby database included in ColdFusion 8. A full-featured database with a ten-year heritage, Apache Derby is fully transactional, easy to use, and standards based and has the advanced features you'd expect in any quality DBMS. Yet it's small, at only 2MB. You'll find out how to use Apache Derby within ColdFusion, as well as about tools that work with it and where to learn more. Again, this is just a preview, but for many it will be more than they've ever heard about the Derby DBMS embedded in CF8. I'm sure some will have preconceived notions about the tool. Come share your thoughts. I hope to dispel a few myths along the way.
Charlie Arehart
0:41 2009-07-30 2009-07-30 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Getting Started with Multiple Instances in CF (View video , Show Description )Have you wondered about using or trying out the "multiple instance" feature of CF (technically the "multiserver" installation option). Available in its current form since CF 7, many developers and shops still have not adopted it, perhaps because they don't understand its benefits, or maybe they tried it and got confused about the options during installation/configuration. Or maybe they assume it's only about creating clusters/load balancing and/or replication: it's not and can be valuable for many other reasons.
In this talk, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will introduce the topic, presuming you have no prior experience with it. (Note that while it's a feature of CF Enterprise, you can also use it with the free Developer edition, and he'll explain why you may want to.)
What we will (and will not) cover:
We'll address things from the ground up, starting with what the feature is, how it's evolved, and why you should use it in development and/or production. Charlie will demonstrate an installation from scratch, talking about the various choices presented, and proceeding to add another instance and how to demonstrate successful setup. He'll also show connecting the new instance(s) to an external web server and share tips about that.
Along the way Charlie will address such other practical concerns as how to share admin settings among the instances, whether and how to share jvm.config settings, how to find the various logs for each instance, why to be careful about scheduled tasks, how you can monitor the instances, and more. He'll also offer some recommendations that could vary depending on your setup, such why you might want to use the cfusion instance only for creating instances, when/why you may be able to stop and disable the cfusion and admin instances, why you may/may not want to consider sandbox security, and more.
We will not have time to discuss or demonstrate clustering, load balancing, and replication, but can mention it only briefly. If that may be what you'd want to hear more about, please know this is not the talk for that. Perhaps a later talk.
But you will be pointed to many resources available for you to further investigate more on all the things we discuss (with a warning to be careful about older resources which describe an older but still-supported approach to multiple instances, from the CF 6.1 timeframe.)
Charlie Arehart
1:33 2009-07-23 2009-07-23 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Introducing the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse (View video , Show Description )Whether you're already using Eclipse (via CFEclipse or not), or you've still not gotten into using it (or are waiting for Bolt), this talk if for you, if you don't know about the Adobe CF Extensions for Eclipse. Not to be confused with the CFEclipse plugin, the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse are a free set of very useful tools (for the free Eclipse editor) that many have missed, even if they do use CFEclipse. And if you don't yet use CFEclipse, these additional tools may offer features that might make you reconsider using Eclipse for CFML coding.
In this session, veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will introduce the extensions (not CFEclipse), including how to find and install the extensions from the Adobe site, as well how to use them to do many things: browse datasources and build queries, generate code using wizards, browse CFCs and web services, view log files, debug CF apps (discussed only briefly and supported only for CF8), and more.
Note that most of the features shown apply to if you're using CF7 as well. And since the upcoming new Adobe editor, codenamed Bolt, incorporates these same features (and many more, as discussed on the labs site), this talk will help you whatever your current or future plans.
Charlie Arehart
1:19 2009-06-11 2009-06-11 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Sessions and Clients and Crashes, Oh My! (View video , Show Description )You may be suffering and not even realize it. As a consultant, I focus on helping people troubleshoot CF problems, and one of the most common (and least appreciated) problems people suffer are those related to having too many active sessions in memory or a high rate of creation/update of client variables (whether in registry or database). EVEN IF YOU'D SAY YOU DON'T USE SESSIONS OR CLIENT VARIABLES, this may impact you.
In this session, veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will explain the problem. Using live demonstrations and offering code you can use yourself for free, he'll show how to identify both the extent of and the cause of the problems, and various solutions. The concepts provided will apply to any version of CF (or BD or Railo).
Charlie Arehart
1:15 2009-04-16 2009-04-16 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CF 8 Enterprise Multi-User Admin & RDS Feature (View video , Show Description )multiple user access for the CF Administrator, and for RDS.
Charlie Arehart
1:00 2009-02-12 2009-02-24 Henry Ho
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