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309 recordings found
with reference to cfmeetup:
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CFMeetup: PWA's How Did We Get Here? (View video , Show Description )Back in the mid 90's we only had one cross platform choice for building internet connected applications and that was HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So why is it now that after 25+ years have passed we are back to building internet connected applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and calling them Progressive Web Apps? Join me as we journey from the webs earliest beginnings to get back exactly where we started, or have we?
Along the way we'll visit old friends like Flash who was to many the first way to add interactivity to web pages. Discuss the introduction of AJAX where the web started to catch up. Shudder at the seismic shift after the introduction of the iPhone and mobile apps only to be challenged by cross platform mobile development platforms like Apache Cordova. Now, we are back to building plain old web apps and what have we learned along the way and what might be coming next?
Simon MacDonald
1:00 2020-08-13 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Migrating or comparing CF Admin settings (View video , Show Description )Have you ever wished you could easily compare the CF Admin settings between one instance and another? Whether on different machines or multiple instances on the same machine, or even between one version of CF and another? What about between CF and Lucee?
And when you install CF, you may know that it offers to import Admin settings of a previous instance found on the same machine, but what if you need to migrate settings from one instance to another, again perhaps even between versions? Or what if you skip that auto-import and want to run it again?
In this session, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will walk you through all these scenarios, showing tools that are either built into CF or can be used for free, including one that's coming in the next release of CF (and which has been shown publicly already). One of the tools even helps with BOTH migration AND comparison between instances AND between CF engines! But each tool has its place and and may be new to you. Come see what's possible!
Charlie Arehart
1:05 2020-08-13 2020-08-28 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: I Didn’t Know S3 Could Do That!, with Brian Klaas (View video , Show Description )Millions of developers know Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) as the file system for the Internet: it's fast, cheap, and super durable. CFML developers have dead-simple access to S3 via built-in functionality. S3 goes way beyond just uploading and downloading files, though. By dropping down into the AWS Java SDK, we can unlock the full potential of S3, and that's exactly what we'll do in this session.
In this session we'll look at how to: - Secure your files in S3 with time-expiring URLs - Increase security over what's built into the CFML engines by accessing S3 via the Java SDK - Encrypt objects at rest in S3 - Cut your storage costs by using different S3 storage classes - Automatically archive unused files after a set period of time - Use the rock-solid object versioning available in S3 - Use tags to be able to filter and report on millions of objects in S3
Brian Klaas
1:11 2020-08-06 2020-08-06 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Intro to NativeScript (View video , Show Description )Web developers are people too. They have needs and wants beyond just slinging code that is destined for the modern browser. They may also dream of building native mobile apps. But learning XCode and Android Studio and objective C might not be in the cards.
This is where NativeScript comes in; a framework that allows web developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript and CSS. Alex Ziskind, the creator of, a school for learning NativeScript, will show you how to get started.
Alex Ziskind
0:57 2020-07-23 2020-07-23 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: What Web Developers Can Learn From Native Mobile Developers (View video , Show Description )Web developers tend to be unabashed defenders of the web platform, and tend to view native mobile platforms as proprietary, gated and bloated.
As a long-time web developer I felt this way too, but then something unexpected happened: I joined the dark side, and spent five years of my career working on--*gasp*--iOS and Android applications.
Now, like an explorer returning from a multi-year safari--I have so much to share! In this talk I'll discuss how native development has improved the way I write code for the web, and how you can incorporate the best native app performance and testing tips into your web workflows.
TJ VanToll
0:51 2020-07-16 2020-07-16 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Your best options to build modern front-ends with JavaScript (View video , Show Description )The JavaScript ecosystem moves fast. In the last few years, the ecosystem has consolidated into several dominant choices like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Picking the right frameworks means you will be able to efficiently build apps your users will love. The right choice depends a lot on philosophy and your circumstances. In this presentation we'll go over the major frameworks and discuss the pros and cons to each. We'll also look at sample code and the overall developer experience. At the end of this talk, you'll be better prepared to make the best choice for your company.
Dan Wilson
0:58 2020-07-09 2020-07-09 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Keeping CF (and Java) updated: challenges and solutions (View video , Show Description )Are you keeping up on whatever updates are available for the CF version you're running (2018, 2016, or so on)? And how about updating the Java/JVM that CF uses? You should be, for security as well as bug fix reasons. And what about the web server connector (wsconfig)?
Ever since CF10, the mechanism to update CF has been a single-click operation in the CF Admin--or at least, that's how it's supposed to be. But sometimes things go amiss, and you can be left with CF not coming up, or the admin not opening, or something in your app failing to work right which you may not notice for even days or weeks.
And the same is true when it comes to updating the Java/JVM that CF uses: there are several things you can easily do "wrong" that will have CF not starting. And even if you do it "right", there may be something amiss (because you missed an important step) that might not bite you for some days--when someone tries to make an https call out of CF. And you may wonder, "what version of Java can I use with my version of CF?"
The good news is that there are answers and a few key best practices to follow in updating CF, the JVM, and wsconfig, which if followed can ensure that each is a quick and painless task. In this session, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will walk through all this, based on his decade-plus experience in helping people troubleshoot such problems daily. The session will apply both to those using the Admin or command line for such update mechanisms.
Charlie Arehart
1:14 2020-06-25 2020-06-25 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: How to transform DB tuning into a rewarding effort (View video , Show Description )Poor database performance can cost you customers, and when it's happening that's not the best time to be making decisions about how to monitor and tune things. Better to consider options in advance, and even proactively tune things if possible. Tuning might also allow you to reduce overly-scaled out instances, reducing DB licensing and/or server costs.
In this session, join Josh Patterson who will show you Vroom Performance Suite, a db monitoring tool built by performance engineers for performance engineers. It offers substantial performance information both in real-time and based on historical snapshots. And who wants to be watching a monitor all day? So it also offers real-time alerts. And when it comes time to dig in, it offers help with tracking and assessing db indexing, analysis of expensive queries, and execution plan insights. Hopefully it will also offer you better sleep at night.
Josh Patterson
1:05 2020-06-18 2020-06-18 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Low-Code for the ColdFusion Developer (View video , Show Description )ColdFusion developers know what it means to be productive. Delivering data-driven websites and solutions is familiar territory. But whether you're an employee in the enterprise, or a contractor seeking out your next gig, you may start hearing about Low-Code, if you haven't already. Maybe your company has decided to try it out, or maybe it's just something a customer asked about, but if you listen to the analysts, Low-Code is a growing segment of the IT market, and a market shaping up to be in the tens of billions of dollars.
Does that mean you should give up ColdFusion? Of course not. But it never hurts to have additional tools to bring to bear on a given problem, and a better understanding of other tools can help inform how you approach what you do today, regardless of what tools you use to do it.
In this session, OutSystems Developer Advocate G. Andrew Duthie will provide an overview of Low-Code, an approach to application development that emphasizes a visual approach to developing screens and logic. He'll show what it brings to the table and demonstrate how OutSystems implements Low-Code, and he will provide a broader look at the Low-Code (and No-Code) landscape, including other players to be aware of in this area.
Bring your curiosity and your questions, and yes, you should even bring your skepticism. All are welcome!
G. Andrew Duthie
1:17 2020-06-11 2020-06-11 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Start Doing 'Integrated' Testing (View video , Show Description )Sadly, most Developers don't test their code like they should because testing can be hard, and it time consuming and the customer doesn't want to pay for it. In this session, I'll show you how easy testing can be, how quick it can be, and better yet, its FUN!
Integrated is a great tool released by Eric Peterson, inspired by Jeffrey Way's Integrated for Laravel. Laravel has a lot of amazing tools, and Integrated for CFML is a port of one of them.
Integrated lets you write tests in a user friendly way, allowing you to do something as simple as this for a test, interacting with your entire website, not just a UNIT of code.
- Visit this page - See if this text is on the page - Type this into this text field - Type that into this text field - Button the form - Look for an error message on the page.
Learn how this tool can allow you wrap your site in full integration tests in minutes, and give you the jump start you need with your testing, while making it fun.
By creating integration tests, vs unit tests, you don't have to rewrite all your code into testable units to begin, your code is ready, are you?
## 5 Main Points
- Learn how easy it is to add test coverage today without rewriting all your code - Automate your app testing without pressing F5 all day long - Make tests easy for your dev team, and meaningful for your client with meaningful test result pages - Learn a power Domain Specific Language (DSL) for writing your tests that makes sense to developers, new and experienced - Have fun writing tests, and sleep better at night knowing you have test coverage in your app.
Gavin Pickin
1:12 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 Charlie Arehart
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