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309 recordings found
with reference to cfmeetup:
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CFMeetup: DataFaucet ORM... relax, have a drink (View video , Show Description )DataFaucet is another ORM solution for CFML. Whether you're new to the concept, or familiar with them (and current solutions like Transfer or Reactor, and plans for Hibernate in CF9), this talk will explain how DataFaucet eliminates the busy work of writing queries and making changes to your database schema. Get an overview of tools that were able to eliminate almost 600 lines of code from Ray Camden's Galleon forums application while adding features and flexibility. Learn how to create ActiveRecord objects that know their own database tables and relationships and can automatically install their own required tables across a variety of database platforms including (but not limited to) MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle. It will include a brief comparison of these tools with Transfer ORM (from Mark Mandel / CompoundTheory) and Reactor ORM (from Doug Hughes / Alagad)
Isaac Dealey
1:10 2008-07-10 2008-07-11 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Continuous Integration with SVN, ANT, CFUnit and Selenium (View video , Show Description )This session will be 30 minute preview of the speaker's talk (presented live at CFUnited) which will focus on demonstrating a setup where you can develop an integrated build system/process using freely available open source tools. Tools used in this session will include:
* Eclipse ? Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
* SVN ? source code repository
* ANT ? build tool
* CFUnit ? unit testing framework for ColdFusion
* Selenium ? acceptance testing tool
Utilizing each of these tools, the presenter will pick an open source ColdFusion application and guide the audience thought the process of creating individual unit test to developing integration tests with Selenium. By the end of the session we will have a final ANT build file with these features
* Checkout code from repository on to a testing server
* Run unit tests and Selenium tests against this code base
* If all tests are successful, the code is deployed to production server
* Notification process will be setup to announce build success or failure
Again, remember, this is a preview. The speaker will not have time to present all aspects of the full session.
Qasim Rasheed
0:45 2008-06-13 2008-06-16 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: 5-Minute CRUD Magic with ColdFusion, Flex and LCDS (View video , Show Description )Learn how to leverage the LiveCycle Data Services 'Data Management' features to create quick and robust CRUD Flex-based applications. Learn about LCDS's push and data synchronization possibilities, and how they can be configures with the integrated LiveCycle Data Services server bundled with ColdFusion 8.
Nick Kwiatkowski
1:10 2008-06-05 2008-06-05 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Introduction to Building Applications with Transfer ORM (View video , Show Description )When developing an Object Oriented web based application, it is normal to have a database with relational tables and a series of objects that represent that data. Often, the amount of time and effort it takes to manually map these objects back and forth from a database is large, and can be very costly.
Object Relational Mappers (ORM) were developed to cut down the amount of time this process takes, and automate the translation between a relational database and an Object Oriented system.
Transfer ORM?s main focus is to automate the repetitive tasks of creating the SQL and custom CFCs that are often required when developing a ColdFusion application. Through a central configuration file Transfer knows how to generate objects, and how to manage them and their relationships back to the database.
This presentation will outline the basics of what an Object Relational Mapper is, the use case for using one within web application development, as well as taking a code centric, step by step view of how to install, configure and use the basic functionality of Transfer ORM.
Mark Mandel
1:05 2008-06-05 2008-06-05 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: ColdFusion and Flex (View video , Show Description )So how hard is it to write Flex applications that utilise ColdFusion components? It's actually very easy, easier than you might think. One of the reasons for giving this talk is that I initially found it hard to get my head around how it would work, how to configure it all and looked at it and then put it aside a few times. From doing this I have learnt what I think is the easiest way to get ColdFusion & Flex configured to work together, this is what I will be demonstrating.
I'll show the basics of configuration (Flex Builder and some setup of CF), then will show and discuss several forms of integration: remote objects, remoting & binding, and using queries, arrays, structures, and objects/CFCs.
Dale Fraser
1:19 2008-05-22 2008-05-22 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Leveraging RDS in Eclipse, Dreamweaver, and Homesite+/CF Studio: Secure, useful (View video , Show Description )Are you using the RDS-enabled features in Eclipse, Dreamweaver, or HomeSite+? If not, you could be missing out on a lot of increased productivity, from the query building tools it enables, to the component browsing tools, to enabling file access across the web, and more.
Perhaps it's been disabled on your server, or people may argue that it's insecure. If you could be shown how it could be secured, might you (or your admin) reconsider it? I think it's a tragedy how many developers suffer without leveraging RDS, certainly on their own machines, and even on shared servers.
Whether you think RDS evil or a blessing, or are unaware of what it enables in your favorite CFML editor, and whether you use CF 8 or earlier, there may be more to RDS than you realize. And there are solutions to security concerns, especially in CF8 but even beforehand.
In this talk, frequent CFUG speaker Charlie Arehart will show you all the ways that RDS can be used to make you more productive in Eclipse, Dreamweaver, or HomeSite+. He'll also address (and in some cases resolve) common security concerns, especially the multi-user RDS security available in CF 8 (and CF 4 and 5), as well as how to enable it if it's been disabled (assuming you have the right to make configuration changes, of course).
Charlie Arehart
1:08 2008-05-01 2008-05-01 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CFInterface (View video , Show Description )With all the fantastic new features in ColdFusion 8 you could be forgiven for overlooking the CFInterface tag. But with the introduction of CFInterface Adobe has given us a fundamental concept of most object oriented programming languages that has been missing since the introduction of components in CFMX, a concept used to great effect in many key design patterns and extensible software frameworks like Eclipse.
In this presentation Robin explains what an interface is, how they're used in software design and how to use CFInterface to bring them to your ColdFusion applications. It's a lot simpler and cooler than you might think.
Robin Hilliard
1:19 2008-05-01 2008-05-03 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: cf.objective() Preview: Cleveland CFUG Simulcast (View video , Show Description )This event was a simulcast of the CF Meetup with the Cleveland CFUG, who offered a preview of 3 of many sessions from the cf.objective() conference coming up in May. The speakers were Ray Camden, Todd Sharp, and Brian Meloche, each offering a preview of their presentations (about 30 minutes), to give you some insight into what the conference has to offer.
The topics were:
Introduction to Model-Glue: Raymond Camden
Integrating ColdFusion 8 AJAX with Model-Glue Applications: Todd Sharp
ColdFusion as a Different Type of "Glue": Brian Meloche
You can find more details at the meetup page for the event:
Ray Camden, Todd Sharp, Brian Meloche
2:17 2008-04-24 2008-04-24 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Introducing sebForm (View video , Show Description )The cf_sebForm custom tag simplifies development of simple forms. It separates logic and display, integrates with CFCs, and manages validation. The output is unobtrusive and skinnable.
In this short presentation you will see how to use cf_sebForm to create a simple contact forms, integrate with CFCs, manage validations (both type and business logic), upload files, and reduce spam.
Steve Bryant
0:58 2008-04-17 2008-04-17 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Unit Testing w/MXUnit - Part 2: In Action or In The Weeds (View video , Show Description )n the second part of the series we'll continue by reviewing the installation for MXUnit and basic unit testing. We'll then delve into more detail by presenting more complex examples and some advanced concepts. We will show you how to automate your development tasks, increase efficiency, and develop a higher level of quality in your code.
This will include automation: using MXUnit Ant task to run tests, using Ant to deploy your code, and concepts of continuous integration. We'll further show you how you can extend MXUnit to easily add your own custom assertions or alter the existing ones without altering the MXUnit framework code.
Time permitting we'll discuss some of the hard questions related to unit testing in general, not just in the ColdFusion world: how to test private methods, how to handle external resources like databases, and what Mock objects, fixtures, and scaffolding are and how they might be used.
Bill Shelton
1:01 2008-04-10 2008-04-10 charlie arehart
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