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309 recordings found
with reference to cfmeetup:
Title Presenter Duration (h:mm) Date Recorded Date Posted
CFMeetup: Using Adobe's "new" CFSetup tool to manage CF Admin settings for ANY CF version (View video , Show Description )You may (or may not) have heard that CF2021 added (in 2020) a new command-line tool called CFSetup--but first, did you know that it could be used with ANY CF version, not just CF2021? And perhaps you heard its main value is to export/import CF Admin settings via JSON: it can indeed do that, and while that may excite some, others may yawn if they've "seen that elsewhere". (To be clear, it can export/import either ALL settings or selected ones.)
But did you know it could be used for far MORE than that alone? And did you know that those exported json config files could be used to set the admin configuration on startup of CF 2021 Docker images. Even if not using Docker, the tool can be a boon for all sorts of automated deployment of CF--again any CF version. And did you know you don't even need to install CF2021 to use it?
While the feature is well-documented (and offers its own help), who has time to read the docs, right? In this session, veteran CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will present and demonstrate the key capabilities of CFSetup, as well as others that may surprise you. He'll also conclude with a brief discussion of the similar (but different) tool, CFConfig, a plugin for Ortus Commandbox. He'll touch on the question of why one might choose one over the other (it's ok to use either or both with the same CF instance). He'll also contrast these with the much older CF "CAR" Admin migration tool. Each tool has its value for different needs.
Charlie Arehart
1:20 2022-09-29 2022-10-25 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Planning and Building my Developer Feud Quiz API, with Gavin Pickin (View video , Show Description )In this session, we are going to plan and build our very own Developer Feud Quiz. To do this, we will analyze and plan our app, starting with the User Stories, and then mapping that to Database, Models, and we can start building out our API, using CRUDDY by Design philosophies. We'll shell out our TDD style Tests, and then create a couple of resources and routes.
Gavin Pickin
1:00 2022-07-07 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: How to find/install/implement 3rd party libraries in CFML (View video , Show Description )In this meetup, Gavin will show you how to find, install and implement 3rd party libraries in ColdFusion / CFML. He will look at how to find them, how to install them, whether they are zips, gists, copy page, package managers, or even Java Jar files. We'll look at the pros and cons of different approaches, and discuss the best practices for using those 3rd party libraries.
Gavin Pickin
1:00 2022-06-23 2022-06-23 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: When Should I Use 3rd Party Libraries vs Roll My Own? (View video , Show Description )There is always a trade-off between using a 3rd party library and rolling your version in software development. I often hear many of these points in discussions, but I wonder how many people know and consider them, so I wanted to share my pros and cons.
This presentation will help convince you that libraries are not EVIL like so many haters believe. Choosing the right libraries will make you more productive and efficient, not lazy. We'll look at how to identify solid use-cases for using a 3rd party library in your application. It gives you a checklist of questions to help you identify the red flags of unsafe, unreliable, poorly supported, or ill-suited libraries.
We'll even look at some examples in the CFML Landscape.
Gavin Pickin
1:12 2022-06-09 2022-06-23 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Code Reuse in CF: Is Spaghetti Code still Spaghetti if it's DRY? (View video , Show Description )Find out the difference between DRY code and WET code, and what one is better, and more importantly, WHY. We write code one, but we read it over and over again, maintaining our code is 90% of the job... code reuse is our friend. You are already Re-using code, even if you didn't know you were. We'll learn about the different types of Code Reuse in ColdFusion, the pros and cons of each.
Gavin Pickin
1:01 2022-05-12 2022-05-15 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion (View video , Show Description )With Java updates happening about quarterly (and one just last week), it's important that ColdFusion administrators and/or developers keep up to date on the Java version which underlies their CF (or Lucee) deployments. While the simplest question may seem to be "how do I do such an update, effectively" (and it really can be quite simple), there's a good bit more to updating the Java (aka jvm, jdk, jre) which underlies your CFML engine.
In this session, veteran troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will share his experience helping people deal with this topic for many years, including:
- Considering, planning the jvm update (what jvm do you have, what can you update to, why should you?)
- Performing the jvm update (where to get it, how to install it, how to configure CF to use it)
- Avoiding various potential gotchas when updating the JVM
- How to be made aware of new JVM versions
Whether you use CF or Lucee, deployed traditionally or via Commandbox (or even containers), most of the discussion will apply to you.
Charlie Arehart
1:20 2022-04-28 2022-05-02 Charlie Arehart
CFMeetup: Avoiding Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Vulns in CFML (View video , Show Description )Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities allow an attacker to make arbitrary web requests (and in some cases, other protocols too) from the application environment. Exploiting these flaws can lead to leaking sensitive data, accessing internal resources, and under certain circumstances, remote command execution.
Several ColdFusion/CFML tags and functions can process URLs as file path arguments -- including some tags and and functions that you might not expect. If these tags and functions process unvalidated user-controlled input, this can lead to SSRF vulnerabilities in your applications. In addition to providing a list of affected tags and functions, I'll cover some approaches for identifying and remediating vulnerable code. My goal for this talk is to raise awareness about what may be a security blindspot for some ColdFusion/CFML developers.
Brian Reilly
1:00 2021-11-11 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Migrating apps to ColdFusion 2021 from earlier versions (View video , Show Description )While CF2021 has been out now for a year (released in Nov 2020), many orgs may only now be considering moving to it, whether from CF2018 or perhaps CF2016, CF11, CF10, or even earlier. How have the versions changed, in ways that some older code may not run on CF2021? And if you're skipping some CF version/s, what might have tripped you up in those, though not really "new" in CF2021 itself? And what can you do to mitigate such challenges?
In this session, CF troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will share from his experience helping folks make such migrations the past year (and for years with previous CF versions), whether in his role as an independent consultant or providing assistance to the CF community. He'll cover things you can consider in advance of the migration as well as things that might help during or after the migration. Most important, this talk will focus on the differences between CF2021 and various earlier CF versions. (Note that he has previously given a talk on migrating CF admin settings, and he plans a future talk on some other aspects of migration.)
Charlie Arehart
1:00 2021-11-04 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: Using LaunchDarkly for feature flag management in CF applications (View video , Show Description )Feature flags are a system of enabling certain functionality in your app based on test groups, cross-cutting segments of users, and your internal release processes. Feature flags can be updated on the fly at any time by any user and don't require deploying new code to your servers. LaunchDarkly is a system that helps you manage your feature flags and how they respond to the users of your site. It offers detailed tracking of each user, each flag, and a robust set of rules for determining which users see which features. In this session, we'll see an overview of how to use the new LaunchDarkly SDK which can be used in ColdFusion applications. Demos will include both ColdBox apps and non-ColdBox legacy apps.
Brad Wood
1:00 2021-10-28 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
CFMeetup: CF Modernization Challenges - Improving Legacy Code (View video , Show Description )Every ColdFusion developer is a builder and an artist. We want to create and craft beautiful, elegant solutions with CFML that are powerful and dynamic... but sometimes, we still need to deal with the legacy code that was built a decade ago by a developer who has long since left the organization and didn't know what they were doing to begin with. Or, maybe the company direction has shifted (again) and what was a priority in the past is no longer relevant. Maybe the approach you originally took to a problem can be done cleaner, and more efficiently. Maybe there's new functionality in ColdFusion that renders old approaches obsolete. At some point, modernization of your approach becomes necessary to retain your sanity!
In this group therapy session, I will discuss legacy code, why it's difficult to manage, how to take incremental approaches to improving it and some techniques on how to modernize your development approach.
David Byers
1:00 2021-06-17 2022-07-07 charlie arehart
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